Monday, July 27, 2009

A simple request

Emily has always shown a commitment to her personal unwillingness, an inflexible mission to find her way through cultural landmines...this body of work chronicles her acceptance as an ambassador for her people...a messenger doing the simplest of tasks in the most difficult of circumstances...Palestinian friends and acquaintances request Emily to express their freedom through specific actions outlined in the note above...going back to Palestine, Emily attempts to accomplish each request. A documentation process follows and it is presented in a creative and artistic way...

These events are personal, and also mundane to those who are her very real world, these tasks are not easy to ex-patriots...The fact that she can do them and her people cannot presents a real opportunity for guilt and regret...these works may be an outward expressions of these feelings...I have had the benefit of knowing Emily Jacir in my past...She is a strong and passionate individual who can take responsibility and act when others only stand and stare...

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