Monday, August 10, 2009

Is this a joke, nightmare or both?

Playing with stereotypical archetypes...this work by Anton Kannemeyer entitled, "Nightmare," coldly and graphically looks at suburban sprawl and the hidden thoughts of those snuggled up nice in their homes...the idea that tribal "hoodlum's" will break in and kill the occupants is both amusing in intellectual circles and frightening for those without logical foresight...

The bubbles are allude to the cartoon thoughts we have seen in both comic books and pop art, they float above and below the house, interrupting visually the pristine, safe home environment...inside the bubbles are organic line work, contrasting the man-made geometries of the sidewalk, house structure, electric lines, fences and yard...the words at the top only reinforce the duality of the concept...should we laugh or cry for the occupants???

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