Friday, August 21, 2009

Bull in an oval world

Building on the machismo tradition - artists like Picasso and Goya, elaborating on the sport of bull fighting...this work by Francis Bacon takes this them in his personal direction, where elements are in action, to a backdrop of stability...he keenly balances his picture plane through color and neutrals...marks and shadow...motion and stillness...the figure and bull paired with the small elements behind the white wall...

The oval repeated in the line at the bottom and curve of the wall; the back of the bull, the sweep of the bull fighters cape; the end of the white mark in the front of the picture is in these common visual cues we connect the dots...The way Bacon develops his space is so simple, but powerful in its execution...clearly defining his characters in the narrative, each having its own unique persona and each filling a function, conveying a meaning.

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