Friday, July 10, 2009

Under, over, inside out places

The strange world of David Wojanarwicz...a juxtaposition of natural and commercial and the battle that ensues...a world of cartoon devils and strange floating monsters and historical symbols...What makes to work so interesting is how these seemingly diverse images all go together...the disharmony in an overall context creates acceptable harmony...the collage and painting together...he handled the images in such a way that the picture plane stays intact...when multimedia falls apart, it usually in how the collage is attached and worked over...or in most cases not worked over...his imagery is fixed by a painted embed the image into the surface, as if carved...

The other strength of this piece is his use of is vibrant and intense...another contrasting element, warm verses cool color schemes...the blue of the sky, vibrating along side the reds and yellows in the advertisement...His use of values is also intriguing, unusual placement in some other paintings, combining strong neutrals with vibrant colors..,other works also take on highly charged conceptual issues, concerns of sex, sexual orientation and death...

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