Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Subversive? FUCK YEAH!

Let me start by saying, cursing is not my idea of intellectual dialogue...however, like all good things, it has it's place as both an emotional injection and as a devise to breakdown high-brow hoo haa...The title seems fitting as I watch all the governmental transgressions in Iran, I see that the Iotola has banned music lessons for all, and hypocritically, he was the recipient of lessons as a boy...So why keep others from learning to be creative, if it was good for him? I believe, he knows exactly why we must keep the arts away from the little people...it infects the common wo/man with complex and creative thought...it challenges all that it touches and at the same time it levels the playing field and communicates universally and emotionally...Hitler did something similar in Germany during World War II, so the Iotola is in good company...

Banksy is a graffiti artist in London, not only a skilled graphical artist, but a keen, conceptual bloke who knows how to create something beautiful in an otherwise, miserable context...One of my favorite pieces is the sculptural object above...it was placed in the British Museum next to other pivotal works in their Roman collection...he created signage that mimics the surrounding pieces and it says the following in summary: “early man venturing towards the out-of-town hunting grounds” in the “Post-Catatonic era...created by Banksymus Maximus." The work was there 8 days before it was removed...Ironically, it is now in the permanent collection.

So there are "established" artists and those outside the mainstream...those who are supported by the wealthy and elite and those who are shunned...Other artists have refused to participate in one form or another...Italian artist, Piero Manzoni, would can his excrement and air and sell it to excited patrons...Maybe it's our very nature to want to push the limits and reside outside what is acceptable...it is funny how those most subversive get absorbed back into the mechanism...So why so much fear by those in control?

I have also included another formalization of Banksy...watch it and you decide!



  1. This spurred me on to take a look at the Bansky show on youtube. I wish I had a trip to London planned...his work is amazing! I would love to interact with it in person. Thanks for pointing out his work in your blog!
