Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Something awkward this way comes

Something about this conceptual piece resonates with me...a foreboding and sense of strange balance, as if on a tightrope...I must walk carefully or thousands of small little lives will be lost...the baby forms, however disconnected we can make ourselves, still say something difficult to accept...we are trapped and dominated by the male form...

There is also something obviously awkward about the male form and how it cannot seem to move throughout to is trapped by the reminds me of the fence metaphor, is a fence meant to keep us out or trap them inside? So the "kept" symbiotic relationship is in tact and unrelenting...the figure cannot engage and the babies cannot disengage...limbo and detante...a fragile truce, but one we assume will be broken...kinetically, they cannot go on forever stuck in the moment...Phil Toledano has done an excellent job stopping time in this piece...there are several in the series entitled, "Hope and Fear." I cannot wait to see what happens in the space between...

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